Many trails lead through the Nature Park...

Many trails lead through the Nature Park. A variety of theme trails will introduce you to regional specialties and beautiful scenery. Discover your own route along the signposted trails or ask one of our well-trained nature guides about a suitable or tailor-made offer.

You can find interesting cycle paths here:

You can find water hiking offers here:

To search for a theme trail in the Nature Park, simply move your cursor over the map and follow the additional information behind the theme trails!

Karte des Naturparks mit den Themenwegen Wanderkarte Plothen Wanderkarte Wurzbach Sormitzweg Naturparkinformation Sprechtsbrunn Wutschtalweg Walderlebnispfad Feengrotten Naturpark-Haus Walderlebnis Insel Ziegenrück Naturpark-Information Reitzengeschwenda Naturpark-Information Dittrichshütte Naturpark-Information Plothen Naturpark-Information Probstzella Naturpark-InformationLehesten Naturpark-Information Wurzbach Grünes Band Rennsteig Sormitzweg Kinderweg Saalepfad Pilzerlebnispfad Schieferpfad Hohenwarte-Stausee-Weg Bienenpfad